
pen plotting


a DIY project to design, make, and construct a large format plotter. For a long time I had wanted to experiment with different pens and papers using a plotter. However, the available plotters are only available up to A2, and cost about $1000+ so why not make my own instead


the plotter is constructed from 20x20 and 20x40 aluminium profiles. The Y axis features two stepper motors running in parallel, another for the X axis, and a servo motor for the Z axis. Control is by an Arduino UNO with Stepper HAT. All other parts were designed by me and 3D printed.


after overcoming all the various mini hiccups, the machine was finally up and running, and experimentation could begin. I was really interested to use coloured card and paper, combined with opaque pens like the posca ones from uniball. I was also surprised no one else in the plotting world was using this combination.


it turns out that was probably for good reason. The posca pens, and all similar pens need regular shaking and depressing of the nib to allow the ink to flow through. So after about 10 lines, the ink flow starts to dry up and you need to pause the plot, manually shake the pen, get the ink flowing, reattach and resume. Which is not ideal


So until I can figure out a suitable solution to this, I am enjoying experimenting with lighter shades of paper and ink / gel pens. already I am finding a number of improvements which could be made to the plotter, namely the computational power of the controller which seems to be a limiting factor in how fast the machine can currently move.


but when the combination of paper, ink, and design all come together, its a nice hobby with which I am generating much ephemera for the walls of my family and friends.

parametric design

the digital process for creating the toolpath which the plotter interprets is using Rhino + Grasshopper with the addition of a free plugin called LinCAM which exports lines as GCODE. A pretty easy and free setup.

what can I help you with?

I love design and solving problems

+ industrial design
+ architectural design
+ circular design
+ material design
+ parametric design
+ design writing

who am I?

Bertie Hipkin.

I have recently finished studying a masters in ‘Design for Manufacture’ (MArch) at the Bartlett School of Architecture within University College London.
I am a keen problem solver and hope to apply my skills to find answers to some of the issues we face, both big and small.
I am interested in a wide spectrum of things, and try to identify the knock-on effects of design decisions.
The ideas of using reed which I propose here were uncovered in the process of writing my masters thesis.
But felt the idea had great potential and deserved being taken further.

what can I help you with?

I love design and solving problems

+ industrial design
+ architectural design
+ circular design
+ material design
+ parametric design
+ design writing

who am I?

Bertie Hipkin.

I have recently finished studying a masters in ‘Design for Manufacture’ (MArch) at the Bartlett School of Architecture within University College London.
I am a keen problem solver and hope to apply my skills to find answers to some of the issues we face, both big and small.
I am interested in a wide spectrum of things, and try to identify the knock-on effects of design decisions.
The ideas of using reed which I propose here were uncovered in the process of writing my masters thesis.
But felt the idea had great potential and deserved being taken further.

drop me a line

I love a creative challenge; a house, a hairbrush, a hand dryer, or anything in between.
I would love the chance to get involved with anything that requires some design, so drop me a line, and let’s see what happens.